Behind the scenes. SIR. Travels.

Behind the Scenes. SIR. Travels.

Come behind the scenes of our Spring Summer ‘24 travel story. Set under the Caribbean sun, where the natural landscape echoes the palette of soft blues, and rich neutrals of our latest collection. 

We also take five with New York based stylist, Imaan Sayed, who shares her favourite moment from set and her simple, yet effective tip to defining your own personal style. 

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Sit down with SIR. Imaan Sayed

What did you want to be when you were young?
I wanted to be a fashion designer or a vet or a palaeontologist lol. 

When did you know you wanted to be a stylist? If you weren’t a stylist, what would you be? 
I honestly don’t know? Maybe I’d go to culinary school and be a chef? I just want to do something tactile.

Who is your dream collaborator?
So hard cause there’s so many, but I grew up drooling over Meisel pictures so probably him. 

Where has been your favourite place to shoot? 
Hmmm British Virgin Islands, obviously! But also I did an amazing Chloe campaign in Greece where we got ATV’s and drove around the island which looked like the moon. 

Your favourite memory from being on set in the British Virgin Islands with SIR.? 
Omg! The first shot where we swam into the island is the most standout. Also the taxi bus ride to the beach. 

What trends are you embracing this year? 
I don’t believe in trends because I can never pull them off. So I’ll stick to what works.

Any trends you’re leaving behind? 
I don’t want to see the word office siren anymore.

What do you consider when putting together a look, and what is one piece of advice you’d give to someone looking to find their personal style? 
Don’t look at other people! 

Behind the scenes. SIR. Travels.